Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The recording session at the Hobby Shop was highly productive. 
We finished 3 songs in 2 1/2 hours. which says a lot
when you're playing with 20+ musicians.
Two months ago, we recorded in the afternoon.
This time our session started around 9 pm,
The energy was glowed much brighter.
I guess we're night people. 

Andrew (far left) and the Horn Section mic check
Frank (left), Zelda (center) and AK (right)
accordions behind the glass
Oscar and Erica in our "drum fort"
Eddika, running "blood bag" in the garden
Jose and the rhodes
We also have this gig on saturday.
for more information, click here

When I got home I started painting,
Halfway through, my eyes became heavy
and the whisper of Hypnos (slumber god)
was irresistible. so I went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a productive day :) I'm more of a night person as well... The painting looks cool so far!


