Sunday, November 14, 2010

November Giveaway!!!

It seems like forever since my last giveaway.
This one will be open until November 29th

It comes with the frame of course.
It's a small one. Only 5x6.

All you have to do to enter is answer this question 
and leave your response in a comment below.

Question: If you could have a thanksgiving dinner 
with any fictional family who would it be?


P.S. leave your email address with your comment 
so I can email you once you've won :)


  1. I would have a thanksgiving dinner with the Swiss Family Robinson because I love that tree house. the more monkeys that show the better!!!

  2. That is so funny. The Swiss Family Robinson was going to be my answer but I have a second choice which is Mr Popper of Mr Poppers Penguins as I just love penguins

  3. The fictional Family that I would like to have Thanksgiving with would be the Addams Family.
    Just because they are ookey and their spooky.
