Wednesday, July 28, 2010

:::~Read this magical blog post~:::

I love love love Sandy and Jason (the creators of Enid and Edgar Vintage)
Their store is absolutely amazing (even though I've only seen it through the eyes of a performer, when 80% of their stock is hidden away in some secret cubby hole at the back of the store) They have affordable artwork, fantastic books (most under $5.oo), and an eclectic array of handmade goodies. Anyway, they wrote this quirky little post about Dulce de Leche (

I'm also going to be bringing them three paintings made specifically for their store. soon. very soon. I'll post pictures when they're all finished. One down, two to go :)


  1. Ashley! Thanks so much! We are waiting with bated breath to see your creations! We would be honored to hang your pieces at the shop.

    Kudos on KPFK!

    Brian and I have been talking about when you guys wanna play next? Please say you will! In October maybe??? Let us know!!!


  2. José's work schedule has been crazy. We can't wait to come back! At the end of October (halloween time) we're going to New York with Killsonic, But I'm sure we can work something out before then, maybe the second or third week of October? I'll talk to José and let you know. We should also have a new album by then :)
