Sunday, February 26, 2012


I've been busy as a bee with a little project I can't quite share just yet.
On an un-art related note, I've been working with Brother Science.
On March 15th, we went and shot the beginnings of an EPK (electronic Press Kit)
for Zoom B. Here are some production shots.
That's Bianca, she's a part of the production company. It was a long shoot, but she was a trooper
and we had a blast! She also took all the production shots.

Eddika Organista (triangle, vocals) interview segment. Which we actually have to reshoot :/

Oscar (guitar) interview segment. We have to reshoot his as well. :/ :/

me(left), Mike(center), Jose (right, and double tasked with video and audio)

We have also been doing some live streaming with Dulce de Leche.
We've only done two sessions (one song each), but it's pretty amazing
because we were able to play for people in Switzerland, Colorado,
and Thailand (Bryan, our missing member!). On Monday, we are 
putting together a small performance for one of our friends bands. 
This one will be a much bigger production (we had shot all past 
performances in our room). If you want to tune in, follow along
here, or here. We are unsure of the exact time it will be airing, 
but it will be somewhere between 830pm and 10pm.
Here are some screenshots of the performances Dulce de Leche did.

Playing live over the internet was super fun, I'm excited for monday,
and I can't wait until we get to play again :

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ash,
    I couldn't get the video to play. Not sure if I was suppose to be able to or not but really wanted to check it out.
    Love to you all,
