Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Twigovi in technicolor

After putting my website design on hold and painting (nearly nonstop)
for the past week, I've finally finished this painting! Whoohoo!
I still might add a few very small details in my spare time, but for the most
part, I'm done. I'm trying to get into this show at La Luz de Jesus Gallery
in Los Angeles. Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shop Update!

I finally updated my shop.
They're all original paintings, but I plan on adding prints 
sometime in the near future. If you see something you like,
and can't afford the original, email me and we can work
something out. Here are a few of the originals I added.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

just a little peek...

As I told you last week, I've been working on re-designing my website.
Mostly on my own, which is really fun, but terribly time consuming.
Here is a little peek at my progress. The screen shots are sketches, 
for the most part. I'm still learning Flash...

Arctic snowfall

José has been learning to make digital environments 
using a program called Maya. This is one of the first ones he created.
This was also his first time working with the green screen. Enjoy.
To see more, click here.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello again

December was kind of rough for me, but I'm back!
I've been working on a few things here and there, but have skipped 
out on the 10+ hours of painting everyday. Things around here might 
still be a bit quite for the next couple of weeks because I'm 
re-designing my website from scratch and updating my store with 
some of the unsold paintings from my solo show

Here is a little peek at some things I've been working on lately.
My brother's friend Ben is coming out with a single and he asked me to
make an image for it. I like how it came out. It reminds me of the Grinch :) 
 I started painting this one for a juried art show in Hollywood. 
A bit progress, The deadline for submission is at the end of January.
I drew this logo for Brother Science last night. It was based on a design 
José made years ago. I created the text, refined the design,
and added some of my own personal embellishments. I really love this logo. 
Like a lot.  

and the winner of my December giveaway is...

Congrats Kyle! I will be sending you your prize sometime in the next few weeks. 
Hopefully sooner, but no promises.