If you were three colors, what colors would you be?
I would be taupe, creme, and chartreuse.
growing up, my art... usually consisted of dogs and flowers
people tell me my art... is childish, but I still draw a lot of dogs and flowers, so I understand where they are coming from.
But I think my art... is the best, because I love dogs and flowers.
What is your absolute favorite animal?
Dogs, but more specifically wiener dogs. I own 3 and they are the cherry on my sundae. We've got Mister Snickers, Fat Linda, and Sir Paggles. Mister snickers is the reincarnated spirit of the Egyptian pharaoh King Tutankhamun. He sits like an anubis. Fat Linda is a post-op transexual. She used to be a he, and is much more comfortable with herself since the operation. And last but not least is Sir Paggles, the baby of the group. He is the baby of Lord Paggles, from Sizerland. We met the lord on the side of the 10 freeway. The sign said not to pick up hitchikers but we did anyway... we did not know we were close to a state prison. The story ends when Lord Paggles holds us at gunpoint, and we have to kill him. All the while we didn't know his bags were still in our car, and needless to say, the baby was in them.
Where do you find inspiration?
Usually after I watch a movie about other people that do greater amounts of stuff than I do, and I think to myself "I should be doing that too." But then I go home and try, and it doesn't end up the way I want it to, but something good always comes out of it.
Aside from your talent with art of the two-dimentional kind and your impressive decorating skills, you also craft some faaaantastic jewelry.
Do you have anything for sale? If so, where can we find it?
(i love the bicycle ring :)
I have an Etsy shop where I sell jewelry made from vintage pieces, vintage ties, vintage clothing, glasses, hair clips, and a bunch of other neat stuff. I have only had it for about a month, but I've gotten addicted very fast. I will be adding art on there soon too. The link is: www.etsy.com/shop/deersnotdears.

What is the art scene like in Arizona?
The scene in Arizona is pretty much the same as the scene is anywhere. There are all types of people that mesh together for the purpose of art and music. I have noticed that it's friendlier than LA, which is the only other scene I have experienced. It's also more diverse because it's so small. There's a pretty vast selection of people that form it, and they all bring something different to it. There's less copy-cating, because if you do that it's more likely to be noticed. And the music scene is completely incestious because of the size. But like I said, it's really the same anywhere, that's why I'm not moving to Portland.
Do you play any instruments? Do you play in any bands?
I don't play any instruments. I own a synthesizer, but I don't know how to use it. I had a band with my little brother called Uncle Steven, named after our uncle who is pretty much the strangest stranger we have ever met. But we never knew how to play anything, and it just ended up sounding like ambient noise, and like I said, I'm not moving to Portland, so we gave it up.
Complete this sentence
My favorite time to make art is,
a. When the sunshine is high in the sky
b. In the dying glow of twilit dusk
c. Under a twinkling blanket of stars
d. My favorite time to make art is when I am babysitting. I don't hold any restrictions on myself as to what the outcome is going to be, and the kids are always impressed no matter what because it's always going to be way better than theirs.
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